Our services

Company specialized services

We have long experience in our field, so we can provide you with distinguished services.

Concrete processing machine

And deliver it to the work site in the projects

Various road works

It includes planning, leveling, tiling, mediation and sidewalk works

Establishing heavy water and sewage pumping stations and supplying all its equipment

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Design and implementation of various buildings

The most important of which are residential complexes, buildings, schools, hotels, health centers, industrial complexes, refrigerated and regular warehouses, and sheds.

Establishing drinking water filtration plants and supplying all its equipment

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Supplying and installing generators of all sizes

It is one of the best international originators with capacities ranging from 20KVA to 2000KVA

Supplying, installing and operating electrical substations and low, medium and high pressure lines

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Connect with us

We are here to answer your questions and comments



the phone

+964 7713663555

the address

Iraq - Baghdad - Palestine Street